How to Restore Default Windows XP Fonts

Are you familiar with Copying-and-pasting TTF fonts from C:\WINDOWS\Fonts to other folders? You should be careful: There are lots of fonts that are essential to your operating system and specific software programs. In case you've deleted some of the default fonts which should not be deleted. What's the result? Windows will misconfigure the default fonts you deleted. The font used to display specific text on the screen isn't the default as replaced by another.

Are you stuck with a 'How to restore missing fonts in Windows XP'? Don't worry, Actually there are some ways you can do to solve this. The missing Windows XP Fonts (.fon, .ttf) can be quickly restored to default in few simple steps.

A. Automatic WAY
You can simply restore it by performing a repair installation (upgrade) of Windows XP. You need the original Windows XP CD with XP Product key. Windows Setup will replace any missing, damaged or corrupted font files that is part of Standard Fonts included with Windows XP.

- All existing restore points are removed and a new system checkpoint restore point is created after the in-place upgrade is completed.
- Reinstalling Windows XP is a time consuming process and may even overwrite some of your custom settings.

B. Manual WAY
With this step, you can choose what default Windows XP fonts you want to restore back to your system one by one or just all.

Open Command Prompt and go to the i386 folder of your Windows XP CD-ROM. Using the "expand -r" command, copy all the missing .tt_ and .fo_ files to Windows folder.


for .FON font files
expand I:\i386\Sserife.fo_ C:\Windows\Fonts\Sserife.fon

for ".TTF" font files:
expand I:\i386\Arial.tt_ C:\Windows\Fonts\Arial.ttf

In case you want to know what default Fonts supplied with Windows XP, Here's the list from the official Microsoft's website.
font file font name
ahronbd.ttf Aharoni Bold
andlso.ttf Andalus
angsa.ttf Angsana New
angsab.ttf Angsana New Bold
angsaz.ttf Angsana New Bold Italic
angsai.ttf Angsana New Italic
angsau.ttf AngsanaUPC
angsaub.ttf AngsanaUPC Bold
angsauz.ttf AngsanaUPC Bold Italic
angsaui.ttf AngsanaUPC Italic
artro.ttf Arabic Transparent
artrbdo.ttf Arabic Transparent Bold
arial.ttf Arial
ariblk.ttf Arial Black
arialbd.ttf Arial Bold
arialbi.ttf Arial Bold Italic
ariali.ttf Arial Italic
browa.ttf Browallia New
browab.ttf Browallia New Bold
browaz.ttf Browallia New Bold Italic
browai.ttf Browallia New Italic
browau.ttf BrowalliaUPC
browaub.ttf BrowalliaUPC Bold
browauz.ttf BrowalliaUPC Bold Italic
browaui.ttf BrowalliaUPC Italic
comic.ttf Comic Sans MS
comicbd.ttf Comic Sans MS Bold
cordia.ttf Cordia New
cordiab.ttf Cordia New Bold
cordiaz.ttf Cordia New Bold Italic
cordiai.ttf Cordia New Italic
cordiau.ttf CordiaUPC
cordiaub.ttf CordiaUPC Bold
cordiauz.ttf CordiaUPC Bold Italic
cordiaui.ttf CordiaUPC Italic
cour.ttf Courier New
courbd.ttf Courier New Bold
courbi.ttf Courier New Bold Italic
couri.ttf Courier New Italic
david.ttf David
davidbd.ttf David Bold
davidtr.ttf David Transparent
upcdl.ttf DilleniaUPC
upcdb.ttf DilleniaUPC Bold
upcdbi.ttf DilleniaUPC Bold Italic
upcdi.ttf DilleniaUPC Italic
estre.ttf Estrangelo Edessa
upcel.ttf EucrosiaUPC
upceb.ttf EucrosiaUPC Bold
upcebi.ttf EucrosiaUPC Bold Italic
upcei.ttf EucrosiaUPC Italic
mriamfx.ttf Fixed Miriam Transparent
framd.ttf Franklin Gothic Medium
framdit.ttf Franklin Gothic Medium Italic
frank.ttf FrankRuehl
upcfl.ttf FreesiaUPC
upcfb.ttf FreesiaUPC Bold
upcfbi.ttf FreesiaUPC Bold Italic
upcfi.ttf FreesiaUPC Italic
gautami.ttf Gautami
georgia.ttf Georgia
georgiab.ttf Georgia Bold
georgiaz.ttf Georgia Bold Italic
georgiai.ttf Georgia Italic
impact.ttf Impact
upcil.ttf IrisUPC
upcib.ttf IrisUPC Bold
upcibi.ttf IrisUPC Bold Italic
upcii.ttf IrisUPC Italic
upcjl.ttf JasmineUPC
upcjb.ttf JasmineUPC Bold
upcjbi.ttf JasmineUPC Bold Italic
upcji.ttf JasmineUPC Italic
upckl.ttf KodchiangUPC
upckb.ttf KodchiangUPC Bold
upckbi.ttf KodchiangUPC Bold Italic
upcki.ttf KodchiangUPC Italic
latha.ttf Latha
lvnm.ttf Levenim MT
lvnmbd.ttf Levenim MT Bold
upcll.ttf LilyUPC
upclb.ttf LilyUPC Bold
upclbi.ttf LilyUPC Bold Italic
upcli.ttf LilyUPC Italic
lucon.ttf Lucida Console
l_10646.ttf Lucida Sans Unicode
mangal.ttf Mangal
marlett.ttf Marlett
micross.ttf Microsoft Sans Serif
mriam.ttf Miriam
mriamc.ttf Miriam Fixed
mriamtr.ttf Miriam Transparent
mvboli.ttf MV Boli
nrkis.ttf Narkisim
pala.ttf Palatino Linotype
palab.ttf Palatino Linotype Bold
palabi.ttf Palatino Linotype Bold Italic
palai.ttf Palatino Linotype Italic
raavi.ttf Raavi
rod.ttf Rod
rodtr.ttf Rod Transparent
shruti.ttf Shruti
simpo.ttf Simplified Arabic
simpbdo.ttf Simplified Arabic Bold
simpfxo.ttf Simplified Arabic Fixed
sylfaen.ttf Sylfaen
symbol.ttf Symbol
tahoma.ttf Tahoma
tahomabd.ttf Tahoma Bold
times.ttf Times New Roman
timesbd.ttf Times New Roman Bold
timesbi.ttf Times New Roman Bold Italic
timesi.ttf Times New Roman Italic
trado.ttf Traditional Arabic
tradbdo.ttf Traditional Arabic Bold
trebuc.ttf Trebuchet MS
trebucbd.ttf Trebuchet MS Bold
trebucbi.ttf Trebuchet MS Bold Italic
trebucit.ttf Trebuchet MS Italic
tunga.ttf Tunga
verdana.ttf Verdana
verdanab.ttf Verdana Bold
verdanaz.ttf Verdana Bold Italic
verdanai.ttf Verdana Italic
webdings.ttf Webdings
wingding.ttf Wingdings
simhei.ttf SimHei
simfang.ttf FangSong_GB2312
kaiu.ttf DFKai-SB
simkai.ttf KaiTi_GB2312
msgothic.ttc MS Gothic
msmincho.ttc MS Mincho
gulim.ttc Gulim
mingliu.ttc Mingliu
simsun.ttc Simsun
batang.ttc Batang

C. TOO LARGE FONTS PROBLEMS on Desktop? Reinstalled Windows XP but see LARGE fonts on screen?
1. Check your setting for Windows Font Size in 'Display Properties'
> Right Click on Desktop > Properties > Appearance tab, and choose Font size: Normal

2. Check your DPI settings
> In Control Panel > Display > Settings > Advanced
> On the General tab, in the DPI setting list, choose 'Normal' 96 DPI. or 'Custom with 100%' (it's the same as 96 DPI)

3. After applying new settings, but no changes?
> try to RESTART your Windows

D. TOO LARGE/ too small Text-Fonts in Firefox browser?
> Restore to default text fonts:
Go to 'View' > Zoom, and choose Reset ( Ctrl+0 )

IF too small, and Want LARGER FONTS choose 'Zoom In' ( Ctrl++ )
if TOO LARGE, and want smaller fonts choose 'Zoom Out' ( Ctrl+- )

E. How to Install / ADD NEW CUSTOM FONTS ?
1. You can just Copy paste your fonts to C:\WINDOWS\Fonts, it will be installed automatically
2. You can also do it from Control Panel and let your Windows install it.
> Go to Control Panel > Fonts

> File > Install New Font...

> Browse your font files and just add from there.

Good Luck!
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12 comments on "How to Restore Default Windows XP Fonts"

Yuvaraj said...

Just wondering how to activate an other language font. I am unable to find India in my Language and Regional Settings, in my Windows XP

Michael R. L. said...

Not quite what I was Affter , Windows Vista Hates my Legacy fonts ,
sees them as Damaged (but on 2000 or XP they install ok )

wanted to automate the install due to <<<>>> popups or Damaged in otherwords ignore damaged Fonts , already installed
sure I can hit ALT N for not to overight and replace , or ok but I have ALOT of fonts colected for ocaasional design of graphics for web pages or etc.

as my SRC fonts folder is offten a dump of fonts previouly installed

<<> If exist c:\windows\fonts\"$*"."$*" goto end

If not exist c:\windows\fonts\*.* goto update


Copy Y:\Fonts\*.* c:\windows\fonts\

goto end


it dose some copping but never installs the fonts nor skipps damaged ones
it is rather fast way of installing fonts but offten is hit or mis

I just tire of ALT N and ok for about the next hour

Peter said...

Just tried backing up my fonts and now Windows has now changed all my system fonts. Was trying to work out if there was a simple way to reset my original fonts.

Performing a full Windows repair seems a little over the top so i'll keep searching....

ziggy said...

when browser fonts look bold or italic, the simplest way to fix this is to reinstall Arial.

- Start > Control Panel > Fonts
- Drag all Arial fonts to Desktop
- Now, drag the Arials back to Fonts window, by doing this you are reinstalling Arial

Hope this helps!

Nicholas said...

Ziggy, I had a problem similar to the one you mentioned above. Your method of fixing this issue worked well. Thank you very very much!

MICHAEL.A.I said...


Glenn said...

This totally works. My folder fonts were displaying kind of like in italic or something. I did what ziggy described and everything back to normal. Thanks for the tip!

Sama said...

i'va deleted most of my xp fonts and then network font has changed to a very bad font how will i get them back in a simple way i tried alot but no results

Ajay said...

yes ! it works. Thanks ziggy.

steve said...

To restore system fonts to normal, just copy C:/windows/fonts folder from a normal XP machine and install fonts to your system. It will ask for replace fonts , it ok.
after this delete all fonts in red colur in your c:/windows/fonts.
again repeat the above process of installing for confirmation. Restart your system, you will find it all normal(default fonts) after this.

Anonymous said...

i lost my symbol default font in my winxp during installing Coral 9 symbol font. now i am receiving a problem in typing Mircosoft equation 3.0 in MS-Office (Math equation) plz help me out to restore default font. i cant restore it from CD cause of some problem. plz send me exact link of free download of symbol font of winxp

jitender sharma said...

we have done these steps but after shutdown it lost that install fonts.

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